NEW MAP – MARS #3 “Tharsis Rift”
- Beautiful sweeping mountain ranges and valleys, provide tactical air play
- High vantage points, provide height advantages
- Unique ‘mushroom’ rock formations, provide aerial cover
NEW CUBE – Alignment Rectifier aka “The Flipper”
- Automatically activates when your Robot is still for a few seconds
- Activates more quickly when your Robot is upturned
- Push ‘F’ to ‘pulse’ when it is active
- Hold ‘F’ for longer (up to 2 seconds) to release more impulse force
- Higher levels can flip Robots with a greater mass
- Swept back and smaller variant of the Aerofoil
- Tier 5-10 available
- Less lift force provided, but very effective as ‘compact’ flaps for use as rudder and ailerons
NEW LOBBY – Uber lobby
- Lobby’s are now split into Tier groups
- Queue times will be reduced, and matches will be fairer at high Tier
- All separate lobby’s are shown on the one UI screen, so you see all Robots waiting to battle
- Previously when a weapon destroyed a cube, the remaining damage would be past to the neighbors
- But, if the remaining damage went to a dead end it was lost
- The new damage model ensures that all damage from a weapon is dissipated into the Robot
- Another key change is that any damage passed to the cube under the Pilot seat, is partially absorbed by the pilot seat
- These changes allow for more satisfying, more powerful and more consistent Plasma and Rail
- One-shot kills are still possible, but less random
NEW TECH TREE LAYOUT – New Progression System
- Key change here, some low level cubes have been removed from the Tech Tree at low Tiers
- This change is designed to introduce new users to the game more steadily
- And, more importantly to release cool new content more slowly
- We now consider T1-5 to be ‘Training’
- The real Robocraft starts at T6 which is when the Robo-Leagues will begin when launched
- Users who have already unlocked lower level cubes will still be able to buy, sell, and use them
- But, these cubes will be made obsolete with the next major launch in one weeks time
- RP and TP for obsolete cubes will be reimbursed
- The Tech Tree layout has been reworked to make it less overwhelming and more easy to read
- Cubes are unlocked in the following order:
T1 – SMG, Wheels, Armor, Radar, Alignment Rectifier
T2 – Hoverblades, Thrusters
T3 – Plasm, Electroplates, Jammers
T4 – Helium, Rails
T5 – Aerofoils, Rudders
- New ‘Maintenance Mode’ system, this will allow us to bring the game up from a new update more ‘carefully’, allowing us to ensure that all servers are connected and ready to launch battles as soon as you get in after the update
- TP awarded for Assists
- Cube TP costs re-balanced to compensate for all the recent changes and new TP rewards
- Pressing TAB is now the same as pressing ‘E’ so brings up the Battle Menu
- Mouse Wheel now zooms in the Tech Tree screen
- Switching between the Cube Inventory and Cube Depot screens retains the Category you had selected
- Removed a long delay when launching a battle from the mothership so you enter more quickly
- You can enter battle when a repair has started, no need to wait for the repair animation
- Mouse can be used to drag and rotate the camera when in the Garage, mouse wheel will zoom
- Pushing ‘L’ switches head lamps on\off (including in multiplayer)
- BUG FIX: Rail SFX fixed
- BUG FIX; Rail reload time hack prevention, authenticated server side, users hacking this will be auto-kicked
- BUG FIX: TP rewards bugged, so rewarding too many
Rail Cannons have been nerfed.